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How To Fix GitHub’s Weird Issue With Wrong Indentation

Switch from tabs to spaces

Louis Petrik


github indentation wrong
Source: the author

You might know the pain with an indentation on GitHub like in the above picture. In your editor, your code looks great. Then you push it to a GitHub repo, and suddenly, the indentation is messed up.

The same problem applies to Gists on GitHub too — when copying from your editor, the indentation is messed up.

It took me a while to figure out, what is going wrong there. Finally, I realized, this isn’t a problem that can be fixed on GitHub itself.

The problem seems to be using tabs for indentation on your machine. Instead, switching to spaces helped me get rid of this problem.

So, to fix this:

  • Make sure your code editor uses spaces instead of tabs.
  • Make sure your formatting tool uses spaces instead of tabs too.

Having a look at your formatting tool is essential. Switching the editor to use spaces instead of tabs wasn’t enough. On every save, my formatting extension fills everything with tabs again.

Since I use VS Code, and many others do:

Open the settings. Enter “editor.insertSpaces” in the search bar. Make sure to have a check on the…



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